Remove the license system Print

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If for any reason, including installing the original license on the server, you want to remove the shared license system from your server, login to the server with root or administrator privilege, and execute the license update command with the "--Uninstall" option.

For example, to remove the cPanel license system from the server, we run the following command:

update_cpanelv2 --Uninstall

Whatever your license is, you should execute the command specific to the same license instead of update_cpanelv2. If you do not have the command to update your license system, login to your client area on our site. Then go to the "My Licenses" section and click on the desired license. At the bottom of the page there are instructions for installing and updating the license system.

After deleting the license system, all the services and files related to the license will be removed from your server and all related changes will return to the original state.

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